Blog 8: Argentina

Hello everyone and welcome to my last blog post of the semester! This week I am focusing on Argentina. Argentina is located southern South America, bordering the South Atlantic Ocean, between Chile and Uruguay (CIA, 2018). They have a total population of about 44 million with a life expectancy of 74 years of age for males and 80 years for females (CIA, 2018). Even though men usually have a lower life expectancy, I did not imagine Argentina’s to be so drastic from the female’s life expectancy. Argentina is a developing country and even though is ranks higher than the vast majority of non-developed countries, it still has much improving to do. To reiterate one last time SDG 3 is to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages. According to the CIPPEC, progress has been made in Argentina in increasing life expectancy (CIPPEC, 2017). Their improvements and priorities involving SDG 3 include preventing evitable deaths, diseases and improving well-being for ...